Sequential Recommender Systems tries to recommend items based on changing / evolving behaviour of the user and the consumption trends. One simple example for this like a person buying printers will have a need of printer inks after next few months.
Conventional content-based and collaborative filtering recommendation system wont be effective in sequential recommendation problems because they wont be considering the current state for recommendation. Now the current state can be dependent on some of the following contexts :
Choice or situation of the user
Market popularity of the Item at that point
Price of the Item at that point
Algorithms for Solving Sequential Recommendation Problems (SRPs)
Learning long time sequential dependency and high order sequential dependency are tougher problems in SRPs.
Below is a table wise summary of various popular sequential recommender systems.
That’s all for this blog, next we will see implementation of some of the above algorithms and will deep dive into more details. Until then stay tuned!